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Info for schools



The Space


The school hall or auditorium is an ideal space for us to run our sessions. If this is not an option, then we ask that the chosen location offers enough room for all of the pupils to sit comfortably on the floor, leaving a four-meter space at the front. This is a minimum requirement so that we can safely set up our equipment and run the sessions.


Ideally, there should be an area next to the performance space (either a storage cupboard, backstage area, or spare classroom) that we can make use of during the show and workshop to store kit, props, etc.


Show information for teachers

FS1 - Year 3


The aim of                                                               is to encourage children to enjoy and engage with creative wordplay through live interactive performance. They’ll be given the freedom to have fun with language throughout the show and this imaginativeness can filter back into their work within the classroom.


The shows are funny. The children will laugh. A lot. Please make sure younger pupils have been to the toilet beforehand. There is nothing quite like the unique accolade of a wet floor sign.


Generally, we have no issue holding the attention of large groups of children. We do, however, ask that the staff members who participate are extra vigilant and spot any pupils who may get a little overexcited at times.


Live shows always work best if we are hidden out of sight until the performance begins. Once the children are sat down and waiting, we ask that a teacher prompts them to countdown from 10. We will then begin the show!

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Episodes of The Rhyme Rocket


We do not require teachers to prepare the children for anything prior to the show taking place but the option is there if you'd like to familiarise the younger ones with our tv show first. Simply follow the links below.


BBC Television Show - The Rhyme Rocket.


Additional Episodes can also be found on YouTube.




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TV Workshop information for teachers

Years 4, 5 and 6


This unique workshop is a fantastic opportunity for children to gain an understanding of life within the television industry.


To give pupils an idea of what goes on in the world of tv, we we'll set up a pop-up studio in the school hall or auditorium space. Some of the children will try out production roles while others will perform in a few short scenes.


The workshop is run in the style of a lecture and concludes with an informal Q&A, followed by a teaser of our live school production:



Older pupils do not need to be aware of our work before they attend this workshop but if teachers would like to share some of our online video content, it can be found on our YouTube channel: The Ridiculous Rhyme Show.


Please note: we ask that teachers bring a couple of iPads with them to the session. This is so some of the pupils can record footage for the school to keep.

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Additional Information




We always carry our own sound system but it is possible for us to incorporate the school’s existing audio equipment should it exist. We will simply run a line into it during setup for enhanced sound. If there are children with additional needs, please let us know in advance if you’d like us to run the show or workshop at a reduced volume.


If there are any hard of hearing deaf children in the audience, we are happy to wear neckloops during the show if necessary.


Arrival and Setup


We will agree our arrival time with schools individually but generally need access to the space at least 90 minutes before our first session.



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